The Whipple Snipple Thingy has gone awry in the haywire patch community causing much dismay among the haywire patch people, who are heavily known for going about their business daily without getting splinters or stepping on small Legos, which is the worst. However, peace and stability have been jeopardized (yeah, I spelled it right) now that the Whipple Snipple Thingy has entered their domain. It has caused terror beyond all human prepositions, whoops, I mean contradictions—that’s not it either—hmmm. Contraception? Magnification? Obviously not. Oh yes! Beyond all human comprehension, which also rhymes with tension and kinda with kitchen. Either way, I digress; the unspeakable horror of the Whipple Snipple Thingy (which may be indescribable but writeable as you can see) has the haywire patch people calling for local (although they would settle for loco as well) farmers to bale them out. See what I did there?
“My gudnuss,” said one fairly strange person from the haywire patch community. “I wen tu put on muh shoe buh dey dun gone off sum wer.” While this may seem like little cookies to some, maybe most, oh who am I kidding—everyone who ever existed, it is important to know that according to haywire patch people traditions, shoes must be tied in the mornings to prevent widespread panic, besides this is a situation and most certainly not any kind of cookie, big or small.
If you would like to help the haywire patch people get back on track please hunt down the Whipple Snipple Thingy, you’ll know what it is when you see it. Can’t miss it, in fact. Should you find this Whipple Snipple Thingy approach with caution if you are wearing shoes and release the imprisoned shoes and return them to the haywire patch people. A reward will be provided by today’s sponsor, Rat-ah-tat-tat Be-bop-bow-lop Snap-uh-to-EE-What-uh-bam-boo who knows exactly what it’s like to go without a good breakfast, which is why they suggest a good breakfast can go a long way, depending on how you and and how much you eat. Thank you for checking in and remember that forgetting is not a very memorable thing to do. This is me and see you next time, or um, actually, I’ll write more next time. In another post I mean. Not more words obviously although that could happen. It may be less words but it most certainly will be another article of some sort. You get the picture. Not an actual picture obviously just the idea. OK? You get the idea. Or maybe you don’t. I don’t know. Either way, I’ll write, more or less, again.
Sooner or later.