If you’re looking to make changes in your life, you may not want to start right away. There is this thing in our heads that tells us we can wait. Around Thanksgiving, we may already have in mind the idea of splurging on a large meal and maybe a few of us will be considering the thought of getting our bodies in a healthier weight range. The issue is that Christmas is coming and we’re planning on splurging then as well. After all, it’s the holidays. With that in mind, we may look to the cliche of getting in shape with a New Year’s Resolution. We promise ourselves that we’ll really do it this time. But here’s the thing. . .

We don’t have to wait. Right now, as I type this, as you read this, we can take advantage of the present. We only operate in the here and now. The future can always be mendable, so a promise made for tomorrow can sometimes evaporate. The struggle exists in our motivation. Maybe we’re not ready. We don’t feel up to it for whatever reason. Sometimes, it may be that we don’t know how to start or where to begin. All that stuff just adds to the stress of getting anything done. “I’ll just figure it out later.”

We don’t have to sit down on the couch and wait until later to do what we want to get done. Some folks are strapped for time and after working however many hours, they get home and just want to relax for a while. Unwind from the day’s stresses, and just celebrate your free time by just straight up chilling. If we ignore that voice in our heads telling us that we have earned the right to be lazy, we will be rewarded with mountains moved. We are greater than ants and check out those little buggers. Personally, I can’t stand them. my son Eli loves them for some reason. But there’s a verse in the Bible that has always stuck in my head. “Look to the ant, you sluggard.” And really, we have to admit that they toil through all sorts of obstacles to reach whatever they’re striving for. If an ant can do that, we can too.

It’s become a cliche to say that the past and future are ahead and behind us and that the present is God’s gift to us. It is a present. But we must realize that there is real truth in that. We don’t need to wait. We don’t need to hold off. We can get started right now, and once you get started, it’s off to the races.